‘Thousands Going Wild for Jesus! Unending Baptisms in Cow Troughs’: Revival Reaches Huge Crowds in the Heartland
09-14-2020Andrea Morris

Image Source: Sean Feucht/Instagram Screenshot
Praise leader Sean Feucht and his “Let Us Worship” tour arrived in Colorado this weekend where sounds of praise erupted across the mountain region.
Worshippers came to City Park in Fort Collins on Friday to be apart of the powerful event that brought healing and salvation to thousands.
“One of my all time fav nights with thousands going wild for Jesus!” Feucht wrote on Instagram. “Unending baptisms in cow troughs was the literal best!! THE JOY IS CONTAGIOUS!!”Related

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Despite complaints from residents opposing the event due to COVID-19 pandemic-related reasons, Fort Collins Mayor Wade Troxell pointed out that event organizers were exercising their First Amendment rights.
“The decision was made to take a non-confrontational approach and no efforts were made to disband the gathering,” Troxell wrote in an email. “There have been nine large scale demonstration events in Fort Collins since mid-March. None of these events have led to a tragedy or unruly situations.”
Feucht traveled to Colorado Springs on Saturday where God’s presence was also evident at Memorial Park.
Several thousand people showed up to sing, dance, and experience His undeniable love. Kneeling down in prayer, worshippers wept with joyful hearts that are yearning to see the church rise up.
“Memorial Park became the place of encounter for the most beautiful display of unity, worship, salvation, and baptisms!” Feucht wrote on Instagram. “The musicians TOOK US TO CHURCH and it was historic!!!”https://www.instagram.com/tv/CFFFDbxgDVE/embed/captioned/?cr=1&v=12&wp=540&rd=https%3A%2F%2Fwww1.cbn.com&rp=%2Fcbnnews%2Fus%2F2020%2Fseptember%2Fthousands-going-wild-for-jesus-unending-baptisms-in-cow-troughs-revival-reaches-huge-crowds-in-the-heartland#%7B%22ci%22%3A1%2C%22os%22%3A2765.1449999998476%2C%22ls%22%3A1767.614999999978%2C%22le%22%3A2043.4250000000702%7D
On Sunday, Feucht and his band arrived in Minneapolis, Minnesota as people assembled in a shopping center parking lot where the Holy Spirit was at work.
“Thousands gathered from every race and tribe across in a K-Mart parking lot! Hundreds gave their lives to Jesus! Now there is an endless line for baptisms tonight!! God is bringing hope back to this city He loves!”
Thousands gathered from every race and tribe across Minneapolis in the K-Mart parking lot!
Hundreds gave their lives to Jesus!
Now there is an endless line for baptisms!!
God is bringing hope back to this city He loves! #LetUsWorship pic.twitter.com/izyOWals4V
— Sean Feucht (@seanfeucht) September 14, 2020
In the wake of George Floyd’s death, that same area had been overrun with protesters and looters who destroyed the city and burned buildings.
But, God is healing the brokenhearted and bringing hope as so many are stepping forward to give their lives to Him.
Feucht is kicking off his tour across the Great Lakes where his worship team will gather for the next five days in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ohio.