10-09-2024 Talia Wise

An international evangelist says “revival in Germany” is breaking out as hundreds of people are getting “saved, delivered, healed, [and] baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

Thousands of young people packed the Porsche Arena in Stuttgart, Germany for the Fire Festival over the weekend to praise, worship, and hear the Word of God. 

“After a short preaching of the ABC of The Gospel by my dear friend @davidrotaermel hundreds upon hundreds of young people came at the altar to give their lives to Jesus,” shared international evangelist Jean-Luc Trachsel. “Truly it’s harvest time in Europe like here in Stuttgart, Germany.”

The Fire Festival kicked off on Oct 2 and ended on October 5 with a “Jesus March” through Stuttgart.

Europe Shall Be Saved partnered with Holy Spirit Night for the event to reach Germany with the Gospel “through young revivalists who will influence the different spheres of society for the Kingdom of God.”

Trachsel, the founder of Jean-Luc Trachsel Ministries, shared footage of the gathering where attendees were “saved, delivered, healed, and baptized.”

“[The] last time I’ve seen and experienced this…was at the Brownsville revival in Pensacola almost 30 years ago. Today it’s here in Europe,” he shared in a reel of people being baptized in a pool. 

“I’ve seen with my own eyes thousands of people getting saved and today it’s water baptisms in a glorious and joyful atmosphere,” he added

The six-day event is just the latest example of what is taking place by the Spirit of God in the nation. 

Night of Hope is another movement taking the Gospel message to the streets of Hamburg, Bremen, Munchen, and many other German cities. 

Their outdoor crusades are marked by prayer, salvations, and testimonies of healing.

“We are thankful to see what God is doing here in Germany,” the group shared on Instagram. 

Attendees were recently encouraged to “leave old things behind” and embrace their new life in Jesus Christ.

“Only Jesus can truly set you free! He is our savior, king, and deliverer,” they wrote.

Evangelist David Rotärmel is behind Night of Hope through his evangelistic ministry, Reviving The World, which is on a mission to “see entire cities revived and shaken by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

“There is an urgency being imprinted on our hearts by the Holy Spirit – NOW is the time to put our hands to the plow and spread the Gospel like wildfire throughout the nations to every people, tribe, and tongue,” reads a statement on their website. 

As CBN News has reported, much of Europe has abandoned the Christian faith, embraced secularism, and returned to its pagan roots. 

According to a Pew Research survey, the number of European Christians has been expected to drop by about 100 million, falling from 553 million in 2010 to 454 million in 2050. Meanwhile, Europe’s Muslim population is expected to increase by 63% in that time frame.

Trachsel previously told CBN News he is seeing the decline firsthand in Switzerland where only three to five percent of the seven million people are born-again Christians.

“I feel the time is coming where here in Europe, maybe the real Christians will have to be underground,” he said. 

Despite those negative trends, massive revival gatherings have been happening this year throughout the continent including a move of God that is reaching Germany as well as France, the Netherlands, Hungary and Italy. 

READ  25,000 Flood Streets of Paris to March for Jesus, Many ‘Saved, Healed, Baptized in the Holy Spirit’

MORE  ‘The Netherlands Full of Jesus’: Dutch Pentecost Conference Sees 63K Participants Glorify God

The “harvest in Europe is truly ripe,” Trachsel recently shared. 

“Holy Spirit Night” is another Europe-wide movement characterized “by praise, prayer, proclamation and the freedom to let the Holy Spirit work,” according to its website.

It is currently taking place in 15 countries and 35 different cities including Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, and Austria.

Trachsel is urging Europeans to continue to believe for God to move mightily in their countries and is applauding those who are forging ahead on a mission to increase the number of souls for God’s kingdom.

“The main reason Jesus came on earth is to save those who are lost,” he shared. “Truly it’s harvest time in Europe.”

READ  ‘Fire of Revival’ Spreads in Europe as Thousands Pack Stadiums in Hungary and Italy

MORE  70,000 Gather in London’s Trafalgar Square to Hear Gospel Message : ‘The Glory of God Is Arising’ 

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