The Stepping Stone Mission, Inc. started in July of 2009 in response to God’s call to serve the homeless. We are servants of our Lord Jesus Christ operating through a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Stepping Stone is a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.

Our Mission
Our mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ’s mercy and grace for us sinners with our brothers and sisters experiencing homelessness. We provide our brothers and sisters with food and basic necessities, and help along the way toward rehabilitation, the healing of one’s life, and stability.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be a caring, loving, growing community of Christians who preach the Gospel, teach God’s Word and extend the compassion of Christ to our homeless brothers and sisters in Atlanta so that they can be identified, built up and unified in the Body of Christ.
Our Statement of Faith
Using words from the Apostles’ Creed:
We believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
How We Serve
With volunteers from Christian churches in the Atlanta area, we are ambassadors for Jesus in connecting the homeless with Him. This outreach provides our brothers and sisters with a community set apart from the streets, centered in Christ, and designed for spiritual transformation, so that God’s love will unite us, His children, across social barriers as we grow together into the fullness of Christ.
Through the grace of God, we serve in the following ways:
1. We reach out to our homeless brothers and sisters in downtown Atlanta with straight-forward Gospel preaching and teaching from the Word of God, worship, food and Christian care.
2. We disciple a core group of homeless leaders from those who respond to the Gospel through our outreach. We provide these leaders with leadership training, equipping them for evangelism, outreach and small group leadership among the homeless population of Atlanta.
3. We provide opportunities for our brothers and sisters to join us in worship and praise services to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and in fellowship opportunities with other brothers and sisters in Christ.
The LORD says: “When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap your field right up to its edge, neither shall you gather the gleanings after your harvest. And you shall not strip your vineyard bare, neither shall you gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard. You shall leave them for the poor and sojourner: I am the LORD your God.” (Leviticus 19:9-10)

Stepping Stone Saturdays
Every Saturday, we serve meals and daily necessities in downtown Atlanta. This service time begins with worship and prayer. Thanks be to God for brothers and sisters serving with several churches across metro Atlanta who donate each week for their partnership in these important weekly ministries – and/or send volunteers from their congregations to join us in HIs service.
Before COVID-19, our homeless brothers and sisters were usually centrally gathered in public areas and it was common to see hundreds gathering in one spot. But today, our brothers and sisters are spread out throughout the city. Some are living in a tent, some under the eaves of a building, and some are even found on the street lying down. Through these ministries, our team serves 100 or more brothers and sisters each week.
Praise God for enabling us to witness Jesus at work through His people!

Hispanic Outreach Ministry
Every day, our Hispanic brothers can be seen gathering along Buford Highway, in Duluth and Norcross, and in communities across metro Atlanta. They gather early in the morning, usually before 8:00 AM, awaiting for would-be employers to come by and hire them for temporary jobs. These brothers often find themselves waiting for much of the day. Sometimes work finds them, sometimes it doesn’t. They are barely earning a living but earn what they can to support their families.
Twice a month, our ministry team is delivering food and daily necessities to more 50 Hispanic brothers. While many do not speak or understand English, they are clearly grateful to receive the love of Jesus through a hot cup of coffee, healthy meal, and loving eyes.

Sharing and Caring Festivals
In September, November or December, and at Easter time, we hold special sharing and caring events to serve the Gospel of Jesus Christ followed by food and daily life necessities in downtown Atlanta. More than 400 brothers and sisters drop by at some time during these event times to hear God’s Word and receive His gifts.
Several churches in the Atlanta area contribute food and other items to share. Volunteers from these churches, usually exceeding 100 in number, also join us regularly to share the love of Jesus with brothers and sisters experiencing homelessness.
These events are a great opportunity to connect with our brothers and sisters and engage in some meaningful fellowship in Christ. Our time of service begins with a time of praise with opening prayer, the singing of Christian hymns, a special message delivered by Pastor Song or another servant of the Lord, and a closing prayer. We also pray with our brothers and sisters and provide counsel.
For those with a willing heart for active rehabilitation and growing in faith, we invite them to join us for leadership training and worship on Saturdays.

Annual Winter Coat Drive
In cold weather, a heavy jacket can be a life-saving gift for those experiencing homelessness and living on the streets. Stepping Stone coordinates an annual winter coat drive, beginning in September, in partnership with sister churches. These jackets are then shared with our brothers and sisters during the cold weather months, beginning as early as September, during our regular serving times as well as through special events at Thanksgiving and Christmas times. The cost of one jacket is $25.00.

Ongoing Backpack Collection
As our brothers and sisters experiencing homelessness do not have a regular place to store their personal belongings, a backpack is a vital asset for daily living. Stepping Stone shares backpacks throughout the year. We always gratefully welcome donations to help purchase backpacks.

Socks to Share
For our brothers and sisters experiencing homelessness and life on the streets, sturdy socks without holes make a huge difference. Since 2019, Stepping Stone received a generous annual donation of 50,000 pairs of high quality socks from Trinity Lutheran Church in Savannah, Georgia made possible by the Bombas company. These socks were part of a spectacular donation made by the Bombas company to Trinity. The socks are especially made for those living on the streets or in less than sanitary conditions. They are embedded with some kind of ingredient that fights bacteria. And, they are durable. Bombas donates one pair of socks for brothers and sisters experiencing homelessness for every pair sold. Click here to read more about this giving company. Click here to read more about how these socks are being put to good use for the loving care of our brothers and sisters on the streets of Atlanta.

P.O. Box 3101, Duluth, GA 30096
Through the New Life Village Project, God will change lives through worship and training in the Christian faith, and the building up of a community of faith where the work of faith through the Holy Spirit takes place. DONATE NOW