endpoverty Mission
endPoverty is a global, faith-based organization empowering hard-working men and women with economic and spiritual resources that unleash their capacities and liberate them from the entanglements of poverty.
Since 1985, endPoverty has helped build over 200,000 small businesses in 37 countries around the world. We continue to work towards a day when individuals, families and communities trapped in poverty become economically and spiritually empowered.
Our Work
The smartest, most durable approach to ending poverty is to equip
the poor to do it themselves. Over the last 34 years, and with your help,
we have seen first-hand that impoverished communities can be
transformed through private enterprise and job creation.
Together, we have:
What We Do
Through strategic capital lending, business training and coaching, entrepreneurs learn the skills necessary to start or grow businesses using business management best practices. We give them what it takes to become a business leader to make an impact in their families and their community.
Our work begins with careful selection and vetting of entrepreneurs who demonstrate the desired character, acumen and grit to successfully lead a small business. These entrepreneurs are intentional about their faith and creating impact for their employees, customers and suppliers.
Research shows that one of the most effective ways to help a business grow is access to knowledge and other experienced entrepreneurs. We are surrounding the entrepreneur with a pool of local and long-distance technical experts, as a resource to make the best and most effective enterprise decisions.
Small businesses need affordable capital with flexible terms to spur growth and innovation. Tailor-made financial solutions are the recipe to unlock the potential of these businesses.
Keeping at the forefront our ultimate goals of serving the poor, making disciples and being faithful stewards, we aim to encourage and equip entrepreneurs to support their local church and lean into a local community of like-minded, faith-driven entrepreneurs.
How We Work
We partner with independent local organizations to develop programs specifically designed for the cultural and economic needs of the community. Feasibility studies and close planning with local leaders allow the program to meet actual needs. We don’t want to be the foreigners who show up with outside ideas that don’t actually work.
Where We Work
endPoverty currently supports programs in Bangladesh, Philippines,
Uganda, Cameroon, India, Zambia, Kenya and Guatemala.

About Us