Heal me now, my Savior
1. Heal me now, my Savior, Jesus!
Touch and mend my ailing frame.
“I will heal all thy diseases.”
That promise, Lord, I claim.
See me, Lord, ex-pectant kneeling,
Confident in faith appealing.
Now, Thy mighty pow’r revealing,
Lord, Heal! in Jesus’ name!
2. If it be Thy will’s appointing,
Lay Thy hand up-on my brow.
On my head is Thine anointing.
That head in faith I bow.
All I have I give Thee, pleading
Not my giving but my needing.
Now, my broken body heeding,
Lord, touch! and heal it now.
3. As my life is Thine forever,
O my Lord, my Healer be!
All I own, all I endeavor,
All, all belongs to Thee.
Holy Spirit, now descending,
Thy strong hand of pow’r extending.
Touch this form be-fore Thee bending.
Lord, touch! and set it free.
4. I believe, receive Thy healing.
Now by faith I stand restor’d!
Lord, for this, the Spirit’s sealing,
My praise shall be outpour’d.
Far and wide I’ll go, confessing
How the Lord, my need addressing.
Heal’d and seal’d me with His blessing!
Heal’d now, I thank Thee, Lord! Amen.