‘Pray’ for Haiti: Christian Ministry Needs Help to Get Orphans to Adoptive Families in US
Millions of Haitians Face Starvation as Gangs Aim for Total Takeover, Free 5,000 Prisoners
‘Pray’: Gunmen Abduct 287 Nigerian Children, ‘5,000 Nigerian Christians Murdered’ Over 2 Years
Catastrophic Wildfire: Operation Blessing Arrives in Texas Panhandle Bringing Aid and Prayer
PRAY:11 YWAM Members Lose Their Lives In Tanzania, More Injured
PRAY: US Missionary Seeks Capitol Hill Aid for Jailed Nicaraguan Pastors
Nigerian Christian Students, Teachers Abducted from School Bus, Muslim Kidnappers Demand Ransom
PRAY: Pastor in Nepal Issues Urgent Plea, Faces Jail for Sharing Christian Faith
PRAY: Communists, LGBTQ Activists Target Christian Coffee Shop
차별금지법 방송 행정 소송 중인 극동방송위해, 지지 서명과 기도에 동참해 주세요
이재명 특보의 참담한 행적들 4개월 뒤, 한국교회의 운명이 갈리겠구나!-김성욱 대표
PRAY: Ex-Victoria’s Secret Model Who Quit Job to Follow Jesus Reveals Stage 4 Cancer Diagnosis
Despite Fears of Genocide, Armenia to Seek Peace Deal with Azerbaijan
PRAY: Wife of Nigerian Pastor, Mother of 2-Month-Old Baby Killed by Terrorists
‘Terrified’ Palestinian Christians Fear Genocide, Murder at Hands of Islamic Extremists, Hamas
Join in the ‘International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted’ This Sunday
Christian Worship Center Demolished in India, 18 Pastors Arrested
긴급 기도요청, 메시아닉 군인을 위해 기도해주세요
PRAY: Stunning Twist After Muslim Dad in Uganda Reportedly Locks Up Son, Starves Him For Months For Converting to Christianity
Armenians Fleeing Nagorno-Karabakh in ‘Direct Act of Ethnic Cleansing’ by Azerbaijan
The Fall of an Enclave in Azerbaijan Stuns the Armenian Diaspora, Extinguishing a Dream
Israel Pro-Life Leaders, Lay People to Gather at First National Prayer Event for Unborn During ‘Ten Days of Awe’
‘Hindutva’: The Radical Hindu Ideology That Seeks to ‘Push Christianity Out of India’
Tens of Thousands of Armenian Christians Cut Off by Military Blockade in Dire Straits