US Veteran of Syrian Battles Says Informed Policy, Fervent Prayer Needed to Protect Christians, Other Minorities
대한민국을 살리는 기도-장재기 목사
한국 교회 기도해야 합니다-Dec 4, 2024
PRAY: Pakistani Pastor and His Family in Hiding After Muslim Man Allegedly Rapes, Tries to Kidnap Teen Daughter
‘Pray’: ISIS Terrorists Murder Christians in Mozambique – Churches Burned, Pastors Killed
Pray: Pastor, His Family Allegedly Burned to Death by Islamic Extremists in Uganda
Pray for U.S. President Election
PRAY: Young Christian Brothers Reportedly Arrested, Charged With Blasphemy in Latest Pakistani Persecution Case
PRAY: Muslim Extremists Reportedly Kill Christian Evangelist With Sword in Uganda
Pray:Muslims Reportedly Burn Down Christian Church for 2nd Time, Sparking Horror in Nigeria
Pray: Father Imprisoned in Egypt for Sharing Christian Faith on Facebook Declares Hunger Strike
Pray for and Fast Israel like Esther!
Pray: Islamic Extremism Sparks Slaughter, Attacks, Murder of Christians in Pakistan
Pray: Houthi Attacks Create More Suffering for Yemeni Christians
Pray:혼수상태에서 깨어나 재활치료를 받고 있는 메시아닉 군인
Pray: At least 80 Christians killed as attacks in Democratic Republic of Congo continue unabated
Pray: 동성결혼 옹호자가 대법관 후보?
Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast 2024: ‘Never Been a More Important Time to Pray’
‘It Pays to Pray’: Pastor Says Tornado Missed Him and Wife by 4 Inches Due to Prayer
Operation Blessing, Orphan’s Promise Help Kenyan Flood Victims
‘Please Pray for Us’: Deadly Flooding, 15 Tornadoes Ravage Parts of the Midwest
Pray: Iran Launches MAJOR ATTACK On Israel
Pray For Release of Hostages: Bring Them Home
‘Pray’ for Haiti: Christian Ministry Needs Help to Get Orphans to Adoptive Families in US