11 Proven Health Benefits of Quinoa
1. Quinoa Is Incredibly Nutritious
Quinoa is a grain crop that is grown for its edible seeds. It is pronounced KEEN-wah.
It technically isn’t a cereal grain, but a pseudo-cereal. In other words, it is basically a “seed” which is prepared and eaten similarly to a grain.
Quinoa was an important crop for the Inca Empire. They referred to it as the “mother of all grains” and believed it to be sacred. It has been consumed for thousands of years in South America, although it only became trendy and reached “superfood status” a few years ago.
These days, you can find Quinoa and products made with it all over the world, especially in health food stores and restaurants that emphasize natural foods.
There are three main types of quinoa: white, red and black.
This is what they look like:
Photo courtesy of Shutterstock
Here is the nutrient breakdown for one cup of cooked quinoa, or 185 grams:
- Protein: 8 grams
- Fiber: 5 grams
- Manganese: 58 percent of the RDA
- Magnesium: 30 percent of the RDA
- Phosphorus: 28 percent of the RDA
- Folate: 19 percent of the RDA
- Copper: 18 percent of the RDA
- Iron: 15 percent of the RDA
- Zinc: 13 percent of the RDA
- Potassium: 9 percent of the RDA
- More than 10 percent of the RDA for Vitamins B1, B2 and B6
- Small amounts of Calcium, B3 (Niacin) and Vitamin E
This is coming with a total of 222 calories, with 39 grams of carbs and four grams of fat. It also contains a small amount of Omega-3 fatty acids.
Quinoa is non-GMO, gluten free and usually grown organically. Even though not technically a grain, it still counts as a “whole grain” food.
NASA scientists have been looking at it as a suitable crop to be grown in outer space, mostly based on its high nutrient content, ease of use and how easy it is to grow.
The year 2013 was actually called “The International Year of Quinoa” by the United Nations (UN), based on its high nutrient value and potential to contribute to food security worldwide.
Bottom Line: Quinoa is an edible seed that has become very trendy among health conscious people. It is loaded with many important nutrients.
2. Quinoa Contains Potent Bioactive Substances Called Quercetin and Kaempferol
The health effects of real foods go way beyond the vitamins and minerals we’re all familiar with. There are thousands of trace nutrients in there, and some of them are extremely healthy.
This includes interesting molecules called flavonoids, which are plant antioxidants that have been shown to have all sorts of beneficial effects on health. Two flavonoids that have been particularly well studied are quercetin and kaempferol, and they happen to be found in large amounts in quinoa. In fact, the quercetin content of quinoa is even higher than typical high-quercetin foods like cranberries.
These important molecules have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-cancer and anti-depressant effects—at least in animal studies.
By including quinoa in your diet, you will significantly increase your total intake of these (and other) important nutrients.
Bottom Line: Quinoa contains large amounts of flavonoids, including quercetin and kaempferol. These are potent plant antioxidants with numerous health benefits.
3. It Is Very High in Fiber, Much Higher Than Most Grains
Another important benefit of quinoa is that it is high in fiber.
One study that looked at four varieties of quinoa found a range of between 10 and 16 grams of fiber, per every 100 grams of uncooked quinoa. This equals 17-27 grams per cup, which is very high, more than twice as high as most grains. Boiled quinoa contains much less fiber, gram for gram, because it absorbs so much water.
Unfortunately, most of the fiber is insoluble fiber, which doesn’t appear to have the same health benefits as soluble fiber. That being said, the soluble fiber content is about 2.5 grams per cup (or 1.5 grams per 100 grams), which is still decent.
There are numerous studies showing that soluble fiber can help reduce blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, increase fullness and help with weight loss.
Bottom Line: Quinoa is much higher in fiber than most grains, with one source finding 17-27 grams of fiber per cup of uncooked quinoa.
4. Quinoa Is Gluten Free and Perfect for People With Gluten Intolerance
According to a 2013 survey, about a third of people in the U.S. are currently trying to minimize or avoid gluten. A gluten-free diet can be healthy, as long as it is based on foods that are naturally gluten free. The problems arise when people eat “gluten free” foods made with refined starches instead. These foods are no better than their gluten-containing counterparts, because gluten free junk food is still junk food.
Well, many researchers have been looking at quinoa as a suitable ingredient in a gluten-free diet, for people who don’t want to give up staples like breads and pasta.
Studies have shown that by using quinoa instead of typical gluten-free ingredients like refined tapioca, potato, corn and rice flour, it can dramatically increase the nutrient and antioxidant value of the diet.
Bottom Line: Quinoa is naturally free of gluten and using it instead of typical gluten-free ingredients can increase the antioxidant and nutrient value of a gluten-free diet.
5. Quinoa Is Very High in Protein, With All The Essential Amino Acids That We Need
Protein is made out of amino acids. Some of them are termed “essential” because we can not produce them and need to get them from the diet.
If a food contains all the essential amino acids, it is seen as a “complete” protein. The problem is that many plant foods are deficient in certain essential amino acids, such as Lysine.
However, quinoa is an exception to this, being particularly high in in all the essential amino acids. For this reason, quinoa is an excellent source of protein. It has both more and better protein than most grains.
With eight grams of quality protein per cup of cooked quinoa (or 4.5 grams per 100 grams), quinoa is an excellent plant-based protein source for vegetarians and vegans.
Bottom Line: Quinoa is high in protein compared to most plant foods and contains all the essential amino acids that we need.
6. Quinoa Has a Low Glycemic Index
The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly foods raise blood sugar levels.
It is known that eating foods that are high on the glycemic index can stimulate hunger and contribute to obesity. Such foods have also been linked to many of the chronic, Western diseases that are so common today, like diabetes and heart disease.
Quinoa has a glycemic index of 53, which is considered low. However, it’s important to keep in mind that quinoa is still pretty high in carbs, so it is not a good choice for a low-carb diet, at least not in large amounts.
Bottom Line: The glycemic index of quinoa is around 53, which is considered low. However, it is still relatively high in carbohydrates.
7. It Is High in Minerals That Most People Don’t Get Enough of, Especially Magnesium
There are many nutrients in the modern diet that people tend to be lacking in. This is particularly true of some minerals, especially magnesium, potassium, zinc and (for women) iron.
Interestingly, quinoa is very high in all four minerals. It is particularly high in magnesium, with one cup having about 30 percent of the RDA.
The problem is that quinoa contains a substance called phytic acid, which can bind these minerals and reduce their absorption. However, by soaking and/or sprouting the quinoa before cooking it, you can reduce the phytic acid content and make these minerals more bioavailable.
Quinoa is also pretty high in oxalates, which reduce the absorption of calcium and can cause problems for certain individuals with recurring kidney stones.
Bottom Line: Quinoa is very high in minerals, but the phytic acid can partly prevent them from being absorbed. Soaking or sprouting quinoa degrades most of the phytic acid.
8. Quinoa May Have Some Major Benefits for Metabolic Health
Given the high amount of beneficial nutrients, it makes sense that quinoa could lead to improvements in metabolic health.
Although this needs to be studied more thoroughly, I did find two studies (one in humans, the other in rats) that examined the effects of quinoa on metabolic health. The human study found that using quinoa instead of typical gluten-free breads and pastas significantly reduced blood sugar, insulin and triglyceride levels. The rat study found that adding quinoa to a diet high in fructose almost completely inhibited the negative effects of fructose.
Bottom Line: Two studies, one in humans and the other in rats, show that quinoa can improve metabolic health. This includes lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels.
9. Quinoa Is Loaded With Antioxidants
Quinoa also happens to be very high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals and are believed to help fight aging and many diseases.
One study looked at antioxidants in 10 foods: five cereals, three pseudocereals and two legumes. Quinoa had the highest antioxidant content of all 10.
Allowing quinoa seeds to sprout seems to increase the antioxidant content even further.
Bottom Line: Quinoa appears to be very high in antioxidants, which are increased even further after the seeds are sprouted.
10. Quinoa Has Several Important Characteristics That Make It a Weight Loss Friendly Food
In order to lose weight, we need to take in fewer calories than we burn. It is known that certain properties of foods can facilitate this process, either by boosting metabolism (increasing calories out) or reducing appetite (lowering calories in). Interestingly, quinoa has several such properties.
It is high in protein, which can both increase metabolism and reduce appetite significantly.
The high amount of fiber should also help to increase feelings of fullness, making us eat fewer calories overall.
The fact that quinoa has a low glycemic index is another important feature, but choosing such foods has been linked to reduced calorie intake.
Although there is currently no study that looks at the effects of quinoa on body weight, it seems intuitive that it could be a useful part of a healthy weight loss diet.
Bottom Line: Quinoa is high in fiber, protein and has a low glycemic index. These properties have all been linked to weight loss and improved health.
11. Quinoa Is Easy to Incorporate Into Your Diet
The last point is not a health benefit, but still incredibly important. It is the fact that quinoa is very easy to incorporate into your diet. It is also tasty and goes well with many foods.
Depending on the type of quinoa, it can be important to rinse it with water in order to get rid of saponins, which are found on the outer layer and can have a bitter flavor. However, some brands have already been rinsed, so this may not be necessary.
You can buy quinoa in most health food stores and many supermarkets. It is also available on Amazon, with many reviews, testimonials and usage tips from real customers.
Quinoa can be ready to eat in as little as 15-20 minutes:
- Put 2 cups of water in a pot, turn up the heat.
- Add 1 cup of raw quinoa, with a dash of salt.
- Boil for 15-20 minutes.
- Eat.
It should now have absorbed most of the water and gotten a fluffy look. If done right, it should have a mild, nutty flavour and a satisfying crunch.
Then there are dozens of other delicious ways to use quinoa.
퀴노아의 효능 12가지와 먹는법 부작용
퀴노아는 고대 잉카 문명 이전부터 재배되어 오고 있는 식용 작물인데 필수 아미노산과 단백질이 풍부하게 함유되어 있는 등 퀴노아의 효능이 많아 예로부터 식용작물로 재배되어 왔다고 합니다. 퀴노아라는 뜻은 잉카어로 ‘곡물의 어머니’ 라고 합니다(퀴노아의 효능 12가지와 먹는법 부작용).

현재는 약 700여 국가에서 재배되는데 페루, 볼리비아에서 많이 생산되고 있다고 합니다.
퀴노아에는 글루텐 성분이 없습니다. 그래서 사람들이 부작용 없이 섭취할 수 있는 안전한 식품으로 알고 있고, 글루텐 자체에 알레르기가 있는 분들도 먹을 수 있어서 좋으며, 매일 먹어도 될 정도로 영양소가 많은데, 단백질과 식이섬유, 칼슘, 미네랄, 필수 아미노산이 풍부하게 함유되어 있어서 쌀과 보리 등과 비교하여도 건강에 상당히 좋은 식품이라 할 수 있습니다.
퀴노아의 효능으로 어떤 것이 있는지 알아봅니다.
퀴노아 효능
면역력 강화에 도움
퀴노아에는 인삼의 대표적인 성분인 사포닌 성분도 함유하고 있어서 체내의 면역 체계를 개선하고 이로 인하여 면역력을 강화하는데도 뛰어난 효과가 있다고 합니다.퀴노아는 일교차가 커서 면역력이 떨어지기 쉬운 환절기나 겨울철에 면역력 증진에도 좋은 효능이 있다고 합니다.
독소 배출 효과
퀴노아에 함유되어 있는 셀레늄 성분은 체내의 유해한 독소와 노폐물 등을 체 외로 배출하는데 뛰어난 효과가 있다고 합니다.그리고 이 셀레늄 성분은 미세먼지로 인하여 체내 쌓여있는 중금속 배출에도 많은 도움이 된다고 합니다.
혈관 건강에 도움
퀴노아에 함유되어 있는 마그네슘 성분은 혈중 콜레스테롤 수치를 낮추어주고, 혈액 순환을 원활하게 하여 혈관 건강에 뛰어난 효과가 있다고 합니다.그리고 마그네슘 성분은 혈압의 조절에도 좋은 작용을 하여 고혈압 예방에도 좋다고 합니다.
노화 방지에 좋음
퀴노아의 뛰어난 항산화 성분인 비타민E는 세포의 산화를 막아주고, 체내에 유해한 활성 산소를 제거하여 노화 방지에 좋은 효과가 있다고 합니다.그리고 퀴노아에 함유되어 있는 셀레늄 성분도 노화를 예방하는데 좋다고 합니다.
항산화 효과
퀴노아 효능으로 항산화 작용이 있습니다.항산화 작용으로 인하여 체내의 활성 산소를 제거하고, 세포가 빨리 회복될 수 있도록 도와주며, 망간과 셀레늄이 풍부하여 노화를 지연 시키는데 도움이 된다고 합니다.
뼈 건강에 좋음
퀴노아에 풍부하게 함유된 칼슘 성분은 뼈를 튼튼하게 하고, 골밀도를 강화한다고 합니다.그리고 퀴노아에 들어있는 라이신 성분도 뼈 건강에 아주 좋다고 합니다.
변비 개선 에 도움
퀴노아 효능으로 변비 개선이 있는데 퀴노아의 식이섬유는 장의 연동 운동을 촉진하고, 장 운동 활성화에 도움을 주기 때문에 장 건강과 변비 개선에 좋은 효과가 있다고 합니다.
뇌 건강에 도움
퀴노아에는 등 푸른 생선에 많이 함유된 영양 성분이라고 하는 오메가3 불포화지방산 성분이 풍부하게 들어있기 때문에 뇌세포를 활성화하고 뇌의 혈액 순환을 개선하여 뇌 건강과 두뇌 발달에 탁월한 효과가 있다고 합니다.
빈혈 개선에 좋음
퀴노아의 효능으로 빈혈 개선이 있습니다.빈혈을 개선하는데 뛰어난 효능이 있는 철분 성분이 많이 함유되어 있는데, 이 양이 쌀에 비해 무려 20배 정도 된다고 합니다.이렇게 풍부한 철분 성분은 적혈구의 생성을 촉진해주고, 혈액을 통한 산소 공급을 개선하여 빈혈 개선에 탁월한 효과가 있다고 합니다.
다이어트 효과
퀴노아에는 단백질과 식이섬유가 풍부하여 다이어트에 효과적인 곡물입니다.그리고 풍부하게 함유되어 있는 각종 미네랄 성분과 메신, 메티오닌, 아르기닌 등의 필수아미노산 성분이 균형 있는 영양 공급을 하여 체중 감량에 도움이 된다고 합니다.
항암 효과
퀴노아의 효능으로 항암 효과도 있는데, 퀴노아에는 사포닌이 많이 함유되어 면역력을 향상 한다고 합니다.사포닌 성분은 퀴노아 껍질 쪽에 많으며 암세포의 증식을 억제하고, 몸의 신진대사를 돕는 효능도 있다고 합니다.
당뇨 예방 효과
퀴노아의 효능으로 당뇨를 예방하는 효과가 있습니다.퀴노아의 클리세믹 성분은 당질 흡수 속도를 지연 시키고, 인슐린 분비를 촉진하며 당뇨병 예방에도 좋은 효과가 있다고 합니다.
퀴노아 먹는법
보통 퀴노아를 곱게 갈아서 선식으로 가공하여 많이 드시는데, 이보다는 발아 퀴노아로 드시는 것이 더 효과적입니다.퀴노아를 15분 정도 물에 삶으며 싹이 트며 발아하게 되는데 이것이 발아 퀴노아인데, 이 발아 퀴노아는 소화가 더 잘 되며 혈관 건강에 필요한 영양소들의 함량이 더 높다고 합니다.
그리고 톡톡 튀는 식감까지 있어서 발아 퀴노아 형태로 섭취하는 것이 더 좋다고 합니다.퀴노아는 호모시스테인을 감소하는 효능이 있기 때문에 반대로 호모시스테인을 높이는 육류 등과 함께 섭취하면 좋습니다.
그리고 쌀과 같이 밥을 해서 먹거나 샐러드 형태로 요리하여 먹어도 좋으며 각종 다양한 볶음 요리와 찌개 등에 넣어서 섭취하여도 좋습니다.근육 형성에 있어서 보통 단백질을 한 번에 많이 먹기 보다는 소량으로 나눠서 섭취하는 것이 좋기 때문에 누룽지처럼 간식 형태로 드시는 것도 좋습니다.
퀴노아 부작용
퀴노아에는 좋은 효능도 있지만 부작용 또한 있습니다.
여타 다른 씨앗도 그렇듯 퀴노아도 위장에 자극을 초래할 수도 있기 때문에 먹을 경우에는 꼭 물로 깨끗하게 씻어서 드셔야 합니다.
퀴노아 성분으로 탄수화물이 많이 함유되어 있기 때문에 너무 과하게 먹는 것은 좋지 않으며 피트산을 과잉 섭취할 경우 장에서 칼슘의 흡수를 저해하고, 또구루병의 원인이 될 수도 있으니 피트산을 낮추려면 물에 불려서 먹으면 된다고 합니다.
그리고 퀴노아는 단백질 함량이 높기 때문에 소화가 잘 안되는 분들은 주의하셔서 먹어야 하며, 만약 생식으로 먹을 경우에는 위에 부담이 갈 수 있으므로 물에 불려서 또는 익혀서 먹는 것을 권장 드립니다.
어떤 식품이든 너무 과식하게 되면 좋지 않듯이 퀴노아도 적당량을 먹는 것이 건강에 좋기 때문에 위에 부담이 가지 않는 선에서 적당히 섭취하는 것이 좋다고 합니다.